We all had to quickly transition from carlines for drop offs/pick ups at school, extra-curricular activities shuttling to/from, & homework ... to actually not leaving home at all (except for required circumstances), adjusting to a virtual learning environment, streaming our extra-curricular activities to participate in, & having school work, now, at home.
This graphic organizer became a life-saver for me for my new "co-workers'" virtual learning schedules. I'm sharing this with you, in a more general format; ours were labeled according to what made sense to our classes & school. You are welcome to use this however you choose and modify for your own needs!
Here is what we did:
(1) Printed on legal size card stock (the PDF format is already legal size for you)
(2) Ordered lamination from local office supply store (online order & picked up when ready - minimal exposure, ya know?)
(3) Bought fine tip dry-erase markers.
(4) Print the daily agenda each morning from the teacher and placed on the right side of the laminated version. This helps my "co-workers" from having to stare at the screen all day.
(5) Write in Zoom Meeting dates/times (or similar), special projects, resource class assignments due, and any upcoming quiz or test to study for on the days of the week.
This is FREE for you to use and to share as many times as you wish.
If you'd like a PDF version emailed directly to you, send an email to YourRealtor@KristinOrr.com and add "Weekly Template" in the subject line... or

Other tips/hints:
You may come across the need to create a PDF file of an assignment to upload to a virtual learning platform.
Here's how to easily create PDF documents from a photo from your phone:
(1) Genius Scan App:
This app makes it very easy to take a picture of a page, turn it into a PDF file letter size or legal size, color/B&W/Etc., then email it to yourself to upload to you class platform.
(2) iPhone Notes App:
A. Create New Note B. Choose Camera icon above keyboard C. Choose Scan Documents D. Take Photo of document; crop E. Choose "Keep Scan" then "Save" F. From that point, you can email the scan to yourself and it automatically is a PDF file